Bettie Business Bureau: Ashley O'Neal

The Bettie Business Bureau


The Bettie Business Bureau |

Meet Ashley O’Neal!

What a total #BossBettie

“I help people buy and sell homes in West Michigan, and this has been a passion of mine since I was about 12 years old!”

I LOVE the stories that homes have to tell. Who picked out THAT wallpaper? Who did the children in these bedrooms grow up to become? What's the story with this weird attic space? Alongside that, seeing clients turn a house into THEIR home, and then watching their net worth expand just by doing life is the MOST awesome experience.

Q. Who’s your inspiration?

A: I have so many! Honestly, every woman out there killing it, being her own bold, badass self with NO regrets. I'm a total fangirl.

Q. What about your current role makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning, hit the brew button on the coffee machine, and get to work?

A: The sound in my clients' voices and the look on their faces when I get to say "we did it". Whether it's a buyer, seller, vacant land, second home.. it never gets old. Be boldly and unapologetically you-you'll attract people/clients into your life who will help you become wildly successful in all areas-and that's way more fulfilling than being "#1 on a list!”

Q. If you could change one thing in the world to make it a better place, what would it be?

A: I would make sure every person woke up and created joy for themselves. We would all stop looking for it in other people/places/things, and our world would be such a bright, magical place.

Q. Favorite quote?

What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly
— Richard Bach

I love eating and feeling good. And I REALLY love sharing that with other people! Food is medicine.

Do not give one half of a thought to what people will think of you if you "fill in the blank". They do not matter, and you do not have time to waste!

Bradley Haas

Bradley Haas is a show director of Beauty Beyond Drag Productions, LLC and the newest addition to Mod Bettie. His relationship with MB/NB began in 2019 when his drag production company had the opportunity to take part in a photoshoot with world-renowned drag troupe from the United Kingdom, Drag Syndrome, shot by Elise Kutt. In 2020, he and his business grew closer with MB/NB when his production began holding Naughty Drag Bingo at Mod Bettie.

Bradley is the remote event coordinator for Mod Bettie/Naughty Bettie. He is here to bring a little extra love to everything he touches. As a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community,

Bradley enjoys bringing inclusion, as well as awareness on important topics.

Email him at

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Beauty Beyond Drag


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