Laughter and Liz
Liz's high energy during the photoshoot was contagious. Her near-constant laughter made for some amazing photos and memories.
Liz totally rocked it. But, like every other person, she experienced some nerves.
"The night before and that morning my brain started overthinking everything. They were pretty irrational things to be nervous about too..." Liz listed a bunch of potential disasters that ran through her mind. "What if my face freezes and I can’t smile...What if Jen can’t transform me from dumpster homeless to movie star beautiful...What if I see a dog on my way to the studio and have to pet it so then I’m super late? None of these things happened- except petting the dog would have actually been cool."
I asked Liz where she felt she felt she shined the most, and her response would make Tyra proud.
"How do I say this without bragging? Even though some of the positions may have been uncomfortable (so much sticking my butt out!), it felt natural. I didn’t know this during the shoot but the photos looked like I had been a model my entire life. It was amazing!" - Liz
You earned bragging rights, girl.
Despite Liz's sleepy start to the shoot, don't be fooled, she woke up like this. (FLAWLESS)
"I was so sleepy in the beginning. Jen was doing my hair and makeup and I could have easily fallen asleep right in the chair. I woke up once the photoshoot actually started but then I was nervous and awkward. I felt like one of those little wooden mannequins that you move the limbs into different poses and no matter what the hand is always backwards.
At the end I was also tired but in an “I rule the world and being this awesome is exhausting” way. The nerves broke and I transformed into Beyoncé." - Liz
Liz couldn't pick just one thing she loved the most about her day with Mod Bettie. But, in her defense, we couldn't either.
"The whole experience was a memory that I will never forget: dressing up, getting my H&MU done, hanging out with the awesome women at the studio, posing in cute and sexy positions, picking out the final images, seeing the edits, and receiving my album! And being the basic girl that I am, the likes and comments on Facebook/Instagram were pretty great too." - Liz
Having Liz in the studio was the most fun you could possibly have at work, while still actually working. And we got some amazing photos out of what felt like just a laugh-filled girl date.
"I was laughing the entire time. It felt like we were all lifelong friends hanging out and messing around. None of my laughs or smiles felt forced- my serious look is another story!" - Liz
"I wish I could share the entire experience with every female! A photoshoot like that is a must on every woman’s bucket list. I don’t know how to thank Elise, Jen, and Hayley enough! <3" - Liz
You heard her, ladies!